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Sharon Andía Sevillano
Film Director & Executive Producer



I am a passionate person about art in all its expressions. I appreciate the beauty in everything that surrounds me.

I consider myself a very aesthetic person, always looking to capture beautiful and unique moments.

Publicist by profession, with more than twenty five years of experience as a producer and production director in advertising agencies in Lima and Bogotá. As an executive producer, I have worked closely with many directors to translate and interpret their vision, achieving production goals in an efficient and timely manner.


“There was nothing I enjoyed more than going to the movies or the theater, soaking up the scenes and stories like a sponge”


In 2021 I went to Barcelona to do a master's degree in Film Direction and another in Film Business. As a film director, I have directed and produced three short films::

"Ali", "Nausea" and "Vinyl".

"Ali" is my first short film and it has competed in several festivals around the world, winning seven awards so far.

"Nausea" begins its tour of festivals at the end of this year 2023.

“Vinyl” is in the editing phase process.

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"We Feed Our Creativity When We Release Our Inner Child".



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